Tuesday, May 21, 2013

How to stop snoring?

Question by Peter G: How to stop snoring?
How do you stop snoring. My wife snores like mad and drives me nutts. If you can offer a treatment without lasers or needles :) that would be great

Best answer:

Answer by freezerspider
breathe right strips are very nice.....

don't let her sleep on her back......

umm......she may have breathing issues while sleeping, might need to go under a sleep study....

good luck

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. ~Is she overweight? Does she stop breathing or have long pauses between breaths? Is she tired a lot, even after a long nights sleep? She may have Sleep Apnea.
    If so, she'll need to have a sleep study done. Call a sleep center specialist or see your doctor for a referral.
    I tried the nose strips, they didn't work. I'm sure the throat sprays don't either. Nothing works if you do have Sleep Apnea.
    Good luck.~

  2. Drink more water a juice throughout the day, caffeine could be the culprit :)
