Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Besides smothering my husband how do I get him to stop snoring?

Question by Elizabeth: Besides smothering my husband how do I get him to stop snoring?
We've tried sprays, pills, strips. If we're sleeping in the same room (I kick him out sometimes) I'm awake every few hours telling him to get off his back or to stop snoring in my ear.
Any one have any other ides or products that work?

Best answer:

Answer by Jack Tha Lad suspended 4 nothing

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. ........... Tracheotomy?

  2. I can relate! I end up sleeping in another room because it gets so bad! We've tried everything as well. I can sometimes get my husband to sleep on his belly and that helps. I think mine needs to eat healthier and get into better shape...

  3. CPAP machine. You need to get him to go to the doctor, sounds like sleep apnea.

    If all else fails, you can always try separate bedrooms.

  4. Have him take a sleep study, maybe he has sleep apnea

  5. Try an offset mouth guard.

  6. King Clevis on my throneMay 7, 2013 at 6:35 PM

    Embrace it. Learn to love his loud, choking snores. Train yourself to crave the sounds he makes every night.

    Or do him the ultimate favor -- give him his own bedroom.

  7. Snoring is a medical condition, caused by a dry sinus cavity, and/or a dry upper palette. Thier is a new non evasive product that goes directly in the mouth for him to bite down on. Which in turn moves the lower jaw slightly forward, thus opening up the sinus passages more, try that.

  8. Get him to go to the doctor, most likely he has sleep apnea. They will either operate on him or give a sleep mask. I have one, but they are not comfortable - sometimes I just can't wear it.

  9. Yes. Earplugs worked very nicely for me, thank you.

  10. have you guys been to the doctor about and if he is over weight that could be a problem. i hope you're able to figure something out because i know how that snoring makes you want to knock him out.lol

  11. Have him go to a doctor and get evaluated for a CPAP.

    Seriously - snoring is not only annoying, it can be dangerous to his health. Look up Obstructive Sleep Apnea and the effects.

  12. when he starts snoring, fart in his face!


  13. My father has had numerous surgerys to stop his snoring. Good lord, I think the neighbors have called in noise complaints on him while he's slept.

    I guess I didnt really answer your question--good luck

  14. I've tried everything, what works best is heading for the couch or the spare bedroom and turn a fan on to drown it out.

  15. rubber band an orange into the back of his pajama top ,so he can't rollover on his back.

    that is what 'dear abby' sez anyway.
    seems to me a big boy would pop an orange and make a mess if he was a sound sleeper, but what do i know? i'm not dear abby.

  16. You don't need another way. You have one. Call me when the insurance check clears. 8>}

    ps they do have those band aide strips that work

  17. Sew a tennis ball into the back of a shirt and make him sleep in that. Every time he rolls on to his back, it will make him roll over.
