Saturday, May 4, 2013

Why Does My Dog Snore And How Do I Stop It?

Question by yLach: Why Does My Dog Snore And How Do I Stop It?
Recently, my 3 year old german shepard dog has starting snoring! I am concerned that maybe she has an allergy or maybe she is indoors too much?

Best answer:

Answer by Diane
Your pets' snoring may be bothering you, but the chances are it probably isn't bothering them at all. Snoring usually means that a slight obstruction is vibrating while your pet breathes in his sleep. This could be something as minor as a loose area of tissue in the throat. It may be noisy, but it is unlikely to be a serious problem.

However, if your pet's snoring is consistently loud and lasts through the night, it may be interrupting his sleep pattern. If he seems unusually tired or grouchy during the day his snoring may be becoming a problem, and this may well be the result of allergies. In pets, as in people, being overweight can also cause snoring. Some breeds are also predisposed to snoring problems, such as the Pekingese.

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. Too heavy? Put her on a low calorie diet.

  2. As above, check her weight. Her ribs should be easy to feel under her coat, without too much fat. Assuming she's normal weight, don't worry. Otherwise, slowly start to reduce her food intake and increase her exercise. Do not do this quickly, as it could cause serious problems as her body will need time to adjust to the new diet. If you're still worried, see the vet. Better to be safe than sorry.

  3. Owned by Rocco the Staffy.May 4, 2013 at 10:44 PM

    Why? Mmmm not sure, if you are concerned see your vet.

    What to do about it? Wear earplugs!

  4. Could definitely be allergies. The dog I used to have with my ex would snore all the time and he had food and skin allergies so the vet said that was a big part of the snoring.

    If it's only occassional, it could just be normal. The cocker spaniel I now have will snoore for a few seconds everynow and then and then move himself and it stops. SO MUCH BETTER than the other one that would snore so bad I would go into the spare bedroom to sleep to get away from it!!!
