Well, I live in a single efficiency apartment, & my brother stayed with me for a few days last week. I know I snore, too. But him, OMG! I have sensitive ears (hyperacusis), & I nearly cried every night & couldn't get any sleep. Music or earplugs didn't help. I know I need to lose this weight, but I'm not sure if it would stop me from snoring since I had nasal surgery twice as a child.
Best answer:
Answer by odzookers
My gal is a VERY light sleeper, and I have a perforated septum and snore like a buzzsaw. I wear Breathe Right strips--and so should both of you.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
You could try finding something that has an equally annoying sound that you go to sleep to every night. Then, you won't be annoyed by your brother ;) Maybe a loud fan would work for you. Or maybe a loud & old fan because it might produce a really annoying sound hehe. Something like that could do the trick, just don't use something so loud that it hurts your ears or causes hearing loss ;)
ReplyDeleteTurn him to his side.
ReplyDeleteWhen my husband snores too loud I flip my head to the foot of the bed, that usually helps, but a few times I have had to go to the spare bedroom and shut the doors.