Friday, May 31, 2013

How do u make a person stop snoring?!?!?

Question by Sad: How do u make a person stop snoring?!?!?
I can here my dad snoring and it's really annoying and now I can't sleep?!?!?!

Best answer:

Answer by CinderBlock
you can't - he has to want to stop. In the mean time, you can wear ear plugs.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. godgivenknowledgeMay 31, 2013 at 7:18 PM

    get him those snoring strips they sell...that should do it.

  2. get a rat exterminator pellets and put it in his mouth while he's sleeping!

  3. yeah my dad snores to, annoying isnt it.
    But my mum bought him this plastic clip thing you attach to your nose and now i have agood nights rest everynight.

  4. 1.One of them nasal strips
    3.Brutally murder your dad. (Thats a joke)

  5. If you place a pillow over his head and hold it down for about 5 minutes that usually stops the snoring

  6. i think there's some nasal technology that improves airflow through the nose which will stop or at the least lessen the extent of the snoring
    otherwise just build a soundproof wall around your bedroom

  7. surgery - if the snoring reason is from an extra stuff ( don't know what is it called)
    the second thing that this snoring might be from prespiratory desease
    like asthma , i got asthma and he should use the inhaler before sleeping . there is special inhaler for that i believe . and sleeping position also a reason for snoring . you can gentl tell him that you started to hear him snoring from your room loudly as a result of incorrect position .

  8. get a sleep study. Snoring is a symptom of a serious medical condition called sleep apnea.

  9. You can get a product called Slumber Guard that can fix that.

  10. It really depends on the reason he is snoring.

    Have him try the nose strips. Maybe they'll work, maybe not.
    The reason I used to snore was because my tonsils would swell up when I slept. (It ended up giving me sleep apnea so I had them removed.)
    But some people snore because of the position of their throat or due to their sinuses or an array of other reasons. It all just depends.

  11. Sleeping with your back flat against the bed makes you snore more. Try to let him practice sleeping on his side, so his airways will be as open as possible. If he can’t adjust to this position, here’s one trick: sew a tennis ball at the back of his shirt. Every time he’ll feel like rolling on his back, it’ll make him go back to your position.

  12. Only God Can Judge MeJune 1, 2013 at 1:49 AM

    put socks on your ears , its a old trick
