Friday, April 26, 2013

What is the best way to stop snoring at night when sleeping?

Question by lanh08: What is the best way to stop snoring at night when sleeping?
Tell me the best 3 way to stop snoring at night when sleeping?

Best answer:

Answer by mobabe1254
* Sleep on your side. Prop an extra pillow behind your back so you won't roll over. Try sleeping on a narrow sofa for a few nights to get accustomed to staying on your side.
* Sew a large marble or tennis ball into a pocket on the back of your pajamas. The discomfort it causes will remind you to sleep on your side.
* If you must sleep on your back, raise the head of the bed by putting bricks or blocks between the mattress and box springs. Or buy a wedge especially made to be placed between the mattress and box spring to elevate the head section. Elevating the head prevents the tongue from falling against the back of the throat.
* If you are heavy, lose weight. Excess fatty tissue in the throat can cause snoring.
* Don't drink alcohol or eat a heavy meal within 3 hours before bedtime. For some reason, both seem to foster snoring.
* If necessary, take an antihistamine or decongestant before retiring to relieve nasal congestion (which can also contribute to snoring). [Note: Older men should check with their doctor before taking decongestants. Decongestants that have ephendrine can give older men urinary problems.]
* Get rid of allergens in the bedroom such as dust, down filled (feathered) pillows and bed linen (this may also relieve nasal congestion).
* Try over-the-counter "nasal strips". These keep the nostrils open and lift them up, keeping nasal passages unobstructed.

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. sllep on ur side.. put blocks under the front legs of ur bed and elevate the entire upper part of ur body this will reduce snoring.. pillows tend to elevate ur head and increase snoring

  2. People who snore ususally stop breathing. If you have restless nights, feeling tired in a.m. like you have not sleep, gasp for air during the night, you may have sleep apnea. Most people who snore have sleep apnea. If you have any of these symptoms see a pulmonologist or family physician.

    Good Luck
