Is there anything i can do to help me stop snoring.Any suggestions?
Best answer:
Answer by Melissa C
Invest in some breathe right strips.
Give your answer to this question below!
Answer by Melissa C
Invest in some breathe right strips.
Answer by drummin0690
Here is a helpful Website.
Answer by Luke
once you hear him snoring, put his hand in a bucket of warm water...
Answer by Germs
it's possible
Answer by Imma
It sounds like you are not getting the full sleep cycle needed to remain healthy or even Sane. My advice is to visit a sleep clinic where they monitor you while you sleep. snoring and sleep apnea (when you stop breathing while sleeping) can be serious. I encourage you to see your doctor and discuss your options. Good luck...Imma
Answer by fullonytee
hi, my wife had enough of my snoring,lol she brought me a small device which you wear like a watch. when you begin to snore it gives you a very very small electric charge on your arm, this stirrs you in your sleep and with movement you stop snoring, this doesnt wake from sleep. if you begin again to snore its zaps you again and so on... this device has a zap strength dial for your personal setting.... (U.K.)
Answer by Texperson
Separate bedrooms. You'd be surprised how many people sleep in different rooms due to snoring. Most people can't stop nor control it, so when it's time to sleep, they go to different rooms.
Answer by carolinayaya
Amen, black widows are smart creatures.. :)
Answer by Fashionable Beauty
my dad also snore at the night,you can tell her that adjust her sleeping posture.Or let she do some relaxed exercise. the person who snores means she or he very tired in the daytime.
Answer by baseball_is_my_life
When a person who snores rolls over on to their side, the snoring is greatly reduced because the pressure on their throats is lessened. There are also nasal strips out there that claim to expand the airways in your nostrils.
Answer by zena1129
See a doctor
Answer by majolka
Hey! If changing a position doesn´t seem to do the trick and snoring really bothers you, you should consider an operation.
Answer by awaiting my princess
i don't know what the white stuff is but my 4 yr old was doing that last yr and i took him 2 a ear nose and throat dr and they took out his tonsils and adnoids and it stopped
Answer by Jacinda
This is a fairly common problem that occurs in many households when going to sleep. Usually due to respiratory problems are accentuated especially in cases of allergies or colds.
More and more people who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea are not satisfied with the results of conventional methods of treatment.
Short of breath means that the body suffers with hypoxia (lack of oxygen in the body) and hypercapnia (excessive carbon dioxide in the body). Lack of oxygen can cause brain damage, heart problems, seizures, and in worst cases sudden death. Too much carbon dioxide in the blood can lead to conditions such as metabolic acidosis.
Some tips to reduce snoring:
• Try to lose weight if you are overweight
• Reduce or eliminate alcohol, cigarettes and other sedatives at bedtime
• Avoid sleeping on your back
• Ensure that the person does not fall asleep before snorer.
• Avoid a sedentary lifestyle and do exercises for good muscle tone and lose weight.
• Rest the head of the bed between 20 ° to 30 °, depending on your comfort
• Avoid heavy meals at least three hours before bedtime
I suggest you learn a little more detail about OSA you can visit my blog at:
Answer by Mrs.O
Get those strips that he can wear over his nose at night, breathe right is what I think they are called, you can get them at your local grocery or drug store...good luck, oh tell him to sleep on his side, not on his back, that may help as well..
Answer by trojanrhyme
why do you want to know zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
*starts to snore*
just kidding
i belive if they dont blow their nose the snot gets stuck and air can barley pass through making a snore.
Answer by Nonibdula
Don't go to sleep
Answer by petunia1
Look it up online, there are many reasons this happens. It is when you stop breathing when snoring that it becomes dangerous to your health.(sleep apnea)
Answer by Dan
Try this:
Answer by typetotracy
Use those adhesive strips that open your nasal passages. Put metnol vapo rub under your nose. Get a pillow that makes you sleep on your side.
Answer by Chelseafc1000
Go to a pharmacy and ask for snoring relief tablets
Answer by ?
earplugs for you or a sleep study for him. I snore becuase I have sleep apnea. he might have it too.
Answer by Fedra
Hundreds of millions of people around the globe snore nearly every night. Even Snoring is an issue that has affected millions of partners worldwide. It has even gotten so terrible for some couples that they have to actually sleep in separate bedrooms at night. Now a day, different types of anti snoring mouthpieces are available in the market.Most of these anti snoring mouthpieces are working to clear air passage by setting the jaw in a certain position.No matter what choices you choose to help you stop snoring, the main notion is that you want to have a piece of equipment that will keep you jaw in a forward position while you sleep. So you must have some certain equipment for mouthpiece to stop snoring. I recommend a source to you which help you out for that terrible problem. follow the given link to stop mouthpiece snoring
Answer by Concerned Citizen
Sometimes people sleep with their mouth open because their nose is blocked or they have sinus problems. Check to see if you can breath easily from your nose.
Another reason why some people have their mouth open while sleeping is because they are snoring. Not too much you can do about that. For some people it is caused by them being overweight and when they lay down their fat blocks their throat a bit. (This is my case--solution is weight loss)
Other people suffer from a severe problem called sleep apnea where they don't breathe well at night and may actually stop breathing several times in the night.
If anyone sleeps with you perhaps you can ask them to see if you are having snoring, etc. You could also videotape yourself sleeping and see if you get any clues from the tape.
Good luck to you.
Answer by Steph
I really don't know what the answer is but i just wanna say that it can eventually cause problems in relationships. My husband snores terribly loud - we havent slept in the same room for years. At first i hated that but am quite used to it now and quite like having a bed to myself!!! But even when we go away on holidays its a problem as i know i'm not going to get any sleep for the majority of the time so I end up tired and fed up. He sort of monopolises the living room when he falls asleep and starts his snoring - the rest of the family go to their rooms so I really don't like that but when i wake him he always says i wont snore......
Answer by kecgoddess
Go to your doctor and see about a referral to a sleep clinic. They hook you up to a whole bunch of wires that monitor you as you sleep. Afterwards, they may suggest a c-pap machine which consists of a mask that you wear to bed and it forces oxygen into your lungs while you sleep. Also, if you quit breathing at night while you are sleeping, not good - that is what the c-pap machine is for.
Ask your parents to schedule you an appt and go and talk to the doctor!!
Good luck!
Answer by praveen musafer
Sleep is one of those things that is absolutely necessary for people to live full and healthy lives. It is supposed to be a source of rest as well as a way to repair the body to take on the activities the following day. However, there are some people who do not experience the kind of slumber others do. One of the disorders that is associated with sleep is a condition known as apnea seizures.
Sleep apnea is caused by the body's inability to breathe properly during sleep. This can be caused by various factors such as obstruction of the air passages. When this occurs, the person has trouble breathing and the sleep is disturbed. Another cause for sleep apnea is the inability of the central nervous system to perform its function of regulating breathing properly. When this occurs, one of the symptoms that can manifest is seizures. The signs of seizures can range from feeling disoriented to involuntary muscle movement.
Sleep apnea and epilepsy are two medical conditions that are often connected by their tendency to exacerbate the manifestation of each other. When a person experiences sleep apnea, the person is deprived of sleep because he or she tends to wake up at various times. The constant lack of sleep can decrease an epileptic patient's ability to fight off the occurrence of a seizure. On the other hand, the medication taken to treat epilepsy has side effects that affect the respiratory functions of the central system as well as relaxing the air passages. Thus, this can cause a predisposition to sleep apnea. Both of these conditions tend to cause seizures for people.
Apnea seizures can happen to anyone and at any particular point. However, there are some people who are more prone to experiencing it. For example, apnea more commonly occurs in men. People who snore or are overweight also have a higher risk of experiencing apnea seizures. The reason behind this is that they are the ones who have more trouble getting enough oxygen in their systems while they sleep.
Sleep apnea seizures can take a major toll on the body. People who experience involuntary movement while they sleep tend to wake up tired and without energy in the morning. A headache is also most likely to set in. Besides the inconvenience of exhaustion, the effects of apnea seizures can also be life-threatening. The deprivation of sleep over prolonged periods of time can cause cardiac arrhythmia, or the irregular beating of the heart.
Doctors recommend an overall healthy lifestyle when it comes to lessening apnea seizures. Weight loss and regular exercise is needed because it will help the body regulate the oxygen it uses. Thus, the cause of sleep apnea, which is abnormal respiration, can be eliminated or lessened. In some extreme cases, surgery may be resorted to in order to tear sleep apnea and the seizures that accompany it. A procedure called the tracheostomy, which involves the removal of any obstructing uvula, can be performed.
Answer by Sloppy Joe
Kick em hard
Answer by iluvmyfrenchbulldogs
Can you try getting her to sleep in another room or a different place to sleep? My dogs only snore when they are laying on their backs, but they are Frenchies so it comes with the breed lol.
Answer by Megs
lemon, honey tea.
vicks vapor rub,
or nose strips
Answer by rmouser
I have never heard of them.
But I do use a CPAP machine which did stop my snoring. Have a sleep study done. the machine is not easy to get used to but once you do you feel great because you are get good rest!!
Answer by the punk professor
Ouch. I know what you mean, there's been many a time when my sleep has been interrupted by an elbow from my wife and a less than polite request for me to stop snoring!! There's a few things you can try that might help a bit such as cutting out alcohol in the evenings, sleeping on your side, buying some snore strips to help with breathing or using some of that Vic ks stuff that people rub on for colds (apparently I'm not so bad when I put a bit of that under my nose before bed). All the possible solutions I have seen have only taken the edge of it a bit though and not cut it out altogether. The best way we found was for my wife to go to bed first and get a head start on sleep!
Answer by American Dream
Take your dog to a vet.
Answer by Jordan
Many times the "snorer" is unaware of the health consequences of snoring or how it affects others sleeping patterns. There are many solutions out there to control snoring; its best to be upfront about the issue and look for a snoring solution together.
Answer by parhumr
there is some sort of surgery
Answer by tz
ask edward cullen to come over, im sure he'll let you know if you snore or not. and there really isnt anything you can do about the trip, just hope your room mates like you enough to not resent you for the rest of the trip when you snore.
Answer by Jack
There are special pillows and head supports or things to prevent you from sleeping on your back.
There are also throat sprays and other techniques you can try.
It is important to understand what is causing your specific snoring in order to understand how to cure it.
Check out
Answer by Nathan
I hope your dad gets help.
Answer by pucman1961
Have your mom kick him. Lol. Talk to him about politely. If not then to your mom
Answer by james_james03
I'm afraid that snoring is perfectly normal thing to do. Try changing your sleeping position. There is no medication that will stop your tongue relaxing to stop you snoring. Some people have this funny gumshield thing.
* Change sleep position, use another pillow. Dont sleep with head tipped back.
Answer by MichiganLeo
Indeed it does
Answer by roger m
visit your doctor and have a sleep study done. you'll probablt need a cpap machine and they have to tell you what pressure it should be set at. A sleep study you just go in and spend the night while they monitor your sleep. I have tried all masks and the full face is best for me. Once you get used to it you won't know your wearing it. you'll never go to sleep without it again.
Answer by Tyler Becker
deep snoring dark cirlces under eyes
Answer by Rick J
Always sleep on your side. When you sleep on your back, the relaxed tongue can fall back and partly block the air passage. In this situation, just a change of sleeping position will sort the problem.
Answer by smith0405
My daughter suffered alot from snoring. It caused her to have sleep apnea. As it turned out she had really large tonsils & adnoids. After her surgery she doesn't snore at all. I don't know if this helps any but good luck.
Answer by Lynn
This helps a lot:
Answer by Dan G
My girlfriend says she pokes and pushes me when im snoring. I don't realize it and she says it usually works :D
Answer by john
Measure your height and weight; go online and find a BMI site that will tell you if your BMI is over 30.
If it is, this will be a source of the snoring. Excesses and also do neck rotations to strengthen your neck muscles.
Sometimes a dental appliance will help. It is a device that is placed on your jaws and will pull the lower jaw forward. thus giving you more of an airway.
If your snoring at home; Get with your parents to be assessed by your pediatrician.
Answer by the_unluckiest
I don't know if you have good medical coverage, but if you do I highly recommend him having a 1-2 hour surgery to get his adenoids lasered off. I snored so loudly for months that people in the next room or upstairs could hear it. I had the 1-2 hour surgery and it really helped with my breathing and my snoring is nonexistent now for 2 years!
If that's not an option, I suggest ear plugs. Breathe Right strips really didn't work for me but he can give those a try to see if it might help him out.
Answer by Radeena
Try not to get stressed out during the day, if you sleep late try to sleep earlier, don't eat right before you go to sleep, make sure you feel comfortable on your bed. This will really help :)
Answer by aowaowaow
Ask your partner to get your slippery and slap them to your face.
Myth, but it worked.
Answer by mtwaites
You should have him schedule an appointment with his family doctor, and ask them to refer him onto a respirologist. This doctor will assess him for a condition called sleep apnea. This is when there is often very intense snoring, and one of the common signs of this ailment are the partners being bothered from their sleep. They will give him a sleep test that he will either have to do a sleep lab at a hospital or they will give him a home test that he is able to do at home. I hope that this helps you.
Answer by lovedbythemanwhohungthemoon
Hello, i had a simliar problem my doctor sent me to the sleep clinic at the hosptial where they did a test to see how many times my sleep was disturbed at night. about a month later i went back for the second part of the test found out i stop breathing at night so i wear a cpap now, and i do not feel tired durning the day. Good Luck
Answer by bender_xr217
Your dad most likely suffers from Sleep Apnea, a potentially deadly condition.
Those quiet pauses he has is when he stops breathing all together!
Do a web search on Sleep Apnea, read up on it and get to know some facts about it. Then assemble those facts and present them to him AND your mother and try to convince him to see a doctor about it. Not only for his health and well being, but for everyone in the house who is disturbed by his snores!
Answer by Anna L
sometimes they just snore. but if the dog is overweight, that definitely makes it worse. also may want to have the vet check it out if it's a lot more than normal. and i don't think it's annoying, i think it's cute :)
Answer by Adam Wzrostowiecki
Hi Shamaya,
I don't know exactly what a CPAP machine. But I recommend you try snorezip. Watch video review:
Answer by ~C~note♥~