Friday, May 31, 2013

How do u make a person stop snoring?!?!?

Question by Sad: How do u make a person stop snoring?!?!?
I can here my dad snoring and it's really annoying and now I can't sleep?!?!?!

Best answer:

Answer by CinderBlock
you can't - he has to want to stop. In the mean time, you can wear ear plugs.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

how to reduce or completely stop snoring? any suggestions?

Question by Rach81: how to reduce or completely stop snoring? any suggestions?
i hate the fact i snore. anything i can do at home to reduce or stop my snoring? i have really bad sinus.
please help!

Best answer:

Answer by gokugohan
I snore too and sometimes hear myself right before I dose off. I use breathe right strips and a nasal fluid made especially for people who snore, and it does the job!

Add your own answer in the comments!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

My girlfriend sleeps over often but the problem with her is that she snores a lot when she is sleeping!?

Question by FrancisO: My girlfriend sleeps over often but the problem with her is that she snores a lot when she is sleeping!?
I tried to stop her snoring with the nose strips from CVS, it made it better a bit but she still does it! Is there any products or over the counter medication I can get to help her stop snoring!??? Please Advise.

Best answer:

Answer by Mark H
I had the SAME problem..but the problem was me not my GF. we tried everything, pills, snore guards, breath strips, nothing worked...she finally MADE me go to have a sleep study done and found out that I have a condition called "Sleep Apnea" and it was causing me to wake up 112 times per hour on average which I didn't really even notice believe it or not. Also my blood oxygen levels were dropping below 75%...any lower than that and theres a change you WON'T wake up to breath normally again. So they gave me a machine to sleep with it and my GF was terrified of it, but now she LOVES it as we can finally get the rest we both need.

Please, please please read this..don't take this lightly, its very common and i could be dead right now if i didn't get help.

It does so much long term damage to you body that it would be crazy not to meet with a doctor if nothing else just to rule it out. dont take this as someone looking to get 10 stupid yahoo points, I really think you need to take her to a sleep doctor as she sounds like the way I was.

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

What can i do to make my husband stop snoring?

Question by ♪Camille♥♪: What can i do to make my husband stop snoring?
He's snoring so loud, he sounds like a bear. What can i do to make it stop?
ya'll are making me laugh so freakin hard! LOL!
Hes actually a small guy with a huge snore!

Best answer:

Answer by Katherine
Make love to him the whole night

What do you think? Answer below!

Monday, May 27, 2013

What are the causes and treatment for Snoring?

Question by Anna K: What are the causes and treatment for Snoring?
What can you do to stop snoring?


Best answer:

Answer by the_only_solorose
snoring happens because the soft palate relaxes and falls across the airway creating a partial obstruction. There are several medical treatments for this, and you need to discuss a sleep study with your doctor to find out which treatment will work best for you.

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Can these symptoms be from sleep apnea or just constant snoring?

Question by Andre E: Can these symptoms be from sleep apnea or just constant snoring?
Lately i have noticed how cloudy and foggy headed i feel. I occasionally get lightheaded and dizzy. Plus my family says i snore much louder than usual. I also never feel satisfied from a good good nights sleep. Please help. Oh yes.....i am somewhat overweight.

Best answer:

Answer by Diane
Yes, you most definitely could have sleep apnea. Talk to your doc about getting a sleep study which will determine whether or not you have sleep apnea.

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Sunday, May 26, 2013

How can you stop snoring?

Question by basketball_babie_cmt: How can you stop snoring?
i need help because i cant stop snoring. it gets on every ones nerves but i dont know what to do.

Best answer:

Answer by LMT07
Get some of those breathe rite strips.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

When I have friends over that snore, the sound bothers me a lot. How do I block out the sound?

Question by Nottelling: When I have friends over that snore, the sound bothers me a lot. How do I block out the sound?
I mean, other then ear plugs. They do muffle the sound, but not a lot. And for some reason, sound disrupts my sleep, since I have problemes falling asleep already. So are there more affecive ways to stop the sound from bothering me?

Best answer:

Answer by whatsit
Quit inviting them over if it bothers you that much. If you have to have them over try playing some music or a head set or something.

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Is there anyway to stop someone from snoring?

Question by ShadowIceWind: Is there anyway to stop someone from snoring?
To me snoring is annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! someone who sleeps next to me on another bed starts to snore after 15 mins and her snoring sounds like a bubble popping in cartoons and it takes me at least 2 hours to fall asleep. anyway how do you stop someone to stop snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by Sam
There are lots of ways to try and stop snoring, but it is worth trying to find out what is causing it.

It’s usually pretty simple really, snoring occurs when there is some kind of blockage in the breathing passage when you fall asleep. The airflow in your bronchial passage becomes irregular due to the constriction that occurs when your throat relaxes. Disrupted airflow then causes the soft palette in the breathing passages to flap causing the snoring sound. It’s like a door banging open and shut in the wind.

So keeping the airways open is the key. Here are some suggestions to achieve that:

• Elevate your head by sleeping on a thicker pillow or multiple pillows will help reduce your snoring, a pillow that's too soft encourages your throat muscles to relax and narrows your air passageway.
• Don't drink alcoholic beverages, take sleeping pills, tranquilizers, or antihistamines right before going to sleep, they will cause your muscles to relax and limit your air passage way.
• Avoid dairy products, which can cause mucus build-up right before you go to sleep.
• If you are overweight, losing some weight will reduce snoring by increasing the space in your air passage way.
• Sleeping on your side instead of your back
• Try following a regular sleep routine.
• Don't eat a big meal right before bed, if your stomach is full it will push up on your diaphragm and limit breathing passage ways.
• If you are a smoker, stop smoking, if that is not feasible then avoid smoking right before you go to bed. Smoking causes inflammation and swelling of the throat.
• Try exercising the muscles in your jaw, mouth and throat - strengthening these will reduce the airway collapsing when you are relaxed
• It is important that you Consult a medical professional if your snoring continues to adversely affect your sleep as you may have sleep apnoea.

There are many other Stop Snoring Aids available such as nasal strips, sprays, mouth guards or even surgery, but I would sugest exhausting the list above, and doing the excercises before you go down that path.

Good Luck

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Friday, May 24, 2013

Is there anything good to stop snoring?

Question by Kevin King: Is there anything good to stop snoring?
If I don't stop snoring soon my girl will kick me out!

Best answer:

Answer by Katelyn Rose
Get one of those breathing masks or mention the problem to your doctor

What do you think? Answer below!

What's the difference between astral projection and sleep paralysis?

Question by Paulala: What's the difference between astral projection and sleep paralysis?
Many times my body has fallen asleep but my mind has stayed awake and i can see inside of my room with my eyes closed. Another time i was at my uncles in another country, i heard them snoring and was in the room i used to sleep in when i was there... what do you define these as?

Best answer:

Answer by PhotonX
The difference is that one is a real physiological phenomenon, and the other it not real.

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Thursday, May 23, 2013

How can I control snoring for real?

Question by Bob Simmons: How can I control snoring for real?
I've tried sleeping differently, nasal sprays, nasal strips, chin straps (which helped for a while) and I still can't seem to stop. My doctor says I don't need corrective surgery and told me to keep trying different things. I'm not overweight and I don't drink in excess. Has anyone successfully stopped snoring on their own?

Best answer:

Answer by Marty T
Here's a unique approach: Aromatherapy. I was reading online and happened to come across this method. I've tried many other ways too, but I haven't tried this one.

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How do you get somebody to stop snoring? Do those nasal strips really work?

Question by Missy K: How do you get somebody to stop snoring? Do those nasal strips really work?

Best answer:

Answer by doc_holliday1863
I've talked to people that tryed them and they dont work.

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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Why + How do you stop Snoring?

Question by Chris Jericho's Apprentice: Why + How do you stop Snoring?
Why do people snore?
How do you stop snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by Jay S
People snore for a lot of reasons: undiagnosed allergies, sleeping on their backs, enlarged tonsils and other airway obstructions, being overweight. There are some remedies which are pretty effective, depending upon why you snore. You should try the tennis ball trick. Place a tennis ball in a sock and pin it to the back of the shirt you sleep in. Then, if you roll over on to your back at night, the ball will nudge you on to your side,where you are less likely to snore. Also, try using a warm-mist humidifier at night. It will ease congestion, which will help you breathe easier and snore less. Whatever you do to stop snoring, it's worth it. Snoring has been linked to a 67% increased risk of stroke.

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How do I stop snoring? or at least make it better? My roommate is going to kill me soon!?

Question by JWCA85: How do I stop snoring? or at least make it better? My roommate is going to kill me soon!?
I guess I snore a lot and it's been getting worse...any tips? I've tried those nose breathing strips but they don't seem to roommate is getting pretty angry at me and is going to move out soon if I can't get it down more.

Best answer:

Answer by Michael F
breath right strips work real good

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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Have any heard of the ear staple to loose weight?

Question by claudr_30: Have any heard of the ear staple to loose weight?
I got my ears stapled 1 week ago in an effort for weight loss, so far my hunger has been supressed, i crave allot of water, my nails are growing faster, I have stopped snoring, I have allot more energy to get up and be active again. I want to see inches melt away, does this really work?

Best answer:

Answer by ****brownskincutie****
Yes it does work, i had them stapled in december and i have lost 15 pounds!!!!!!!!!!

What do you think? Answer below!

What are some good relaxing tips and ways to go to sleep easier or faster?

Question by tin998: What are some good relaxing tips and ways to go to sleep easier or faster?
What time should you stop drinking before bed and eating.I know I lay there at night and my mind just races.I cant sleep without a fan or listening to music generally.I cant go to sleep with tv on but I need some background noise to sleep better.Any good tips for relaxing during the day and how to get to sleep faster?

Best answer:

Answer by 00
If you get into a habit of walking a couple of miles everyday at a good fast pace. If you stop eating &
drinking, especially drinks with caffeine. A well known Dr. who is now on tv says to eat a banana
before you go to bed. I sometimes read for a while and that is very relaxing.

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Is a mouth retainer an effective way to stop snoring?

Question by dancegrl91: Is a mouth retainer an effective way to stop snoring?
My dad is a chronic and loud snorer and is looking for a way to stop all the snoring.
He is actually none of the listed: he's very fit for his age and doesn't drink often (only socially, and that's only 1 or 2 beers). Was tested negative for Sleep Apnea.

Best answer:

Answer by Mum Mum
He would be overweight ,drinks and has a thick neck. He can lose weight cut done the alcohol and that should help !

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How to stop snoring?

Question by Peter G: How to stop snoring?
How do you stop snoring. My wife snores like mad and drives me nutts. If you can offer a treatment without lasers or needles :) that would be great

Best answer:

Answer by freezerspider
breathe right strips are very nice.....

don't let her sleep on her back......

umm......she may have breathing issues while sleeping, might need to go under a sleep study....

good luck

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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Does anyone have any solutions to stop snoring?

Question by Laura: Does anyone have any solutions to stop snoring?
I snore sometimes and it makes me not want to sleep in the same bed with my boyfriend. Any advice?

Best answer:

Answer by bobbert
Yes, you can use breath rights, they are little strips that look like butterfly bandaids. you put them on your nose and it helps with snoring. Hope this helps!

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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Ever used a mouth piece (ie; Pure Sleep) to stop snoring, does it work?

Question by redford: Ever used a mouth piece (ie; Pure Sleep) to stop snoring, does it work?
Does the Pure Sleep and other type mouth piece products that move the lower jaw forward to open the airway, do they work to stop snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by loser
yes they work but there not for everyone you'll just have to try it

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Are there any non-surgical ways to stop snoring?

Question by brittanylohmeier: Are there any non-surgical ways to stop snoring?
My boyfriend has been spending every weekend at my house for the past 3 months. This would be great, except for the fact that he snores obnoxiously loud to the point where I can't get any sleep. Are there any remedies to stop snoring? I hate not being able to sleep next to him.

Best answer:

Answer by Cool Man
ummmm i cant remember what they were called, but they are some nasal strips and they were on commercials

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How can I stop my snoring?

Question by Greg: How can I stop my snoring?
I keep snoring and my girlfriend absolutely hates it. She tells me that she has to nudge me every 5 minutes to shut me up, I've tried nasal strips that don't work. Any suggestions?

Best answer:

Answer by nonamehere
try the breathe away strips. You may also want to look into it with a doctor. My hubby was bad at that and we found out that he had one side of his nostrils closed. He can smell now and snoring has stopped with the

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Friday, May 17, 2013

How do I get rid of my snoring while I sleep?

Question by ☼♫ Pur3M4ddiN355 ♪☼: How do I get rid of my snoring while I sleep?
I've never really snored while I slept on a regular basis, but now I'm snoring every night and that's not usual for me. Sometimes I snore when I'm really tired. I've been going to bed at maybe twelve o'clock in the morning and getting up at nine to get my nine hours of sleep every night, but if I go to bed at ten and wake up at seven will I stop snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by cryptoxmit
It makes sense to try some simple non-invasive treatments first to see if they will reduce or prevent your snoring.

Sleep on your side
Elevate the head of your bed
Limit alcohol and medications
Clear your nasal passages
Lose weight
If you snore:

With your mouth closed: a problem with the tongue is probably the culprit

With your mouth open: your snoring is likely related to the tissues in your throat

Only on your back: your snoring is probably mild – improved sleep habits and lifestyle changes may be effective cures ... Do you sleep on your back? Try the “tennis ball trick”: sleep with a tennis ball (or any ball of approximately the same size) attached to the back of your pajama top. (You can sew a pocket or safety-pin a sock to the back of the pajama top, then put a tennis ball in it.) The tennis ball is uncomfortable if you lie on your back, and you will respond by turning on your side. Soon you will develop side-sleeping as a habit and not need the tennis ball.

In all sleep positions: your snoring is more severe and may require a more comprehensive treatment

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What is the best product to buy that reduces snoring?

Question by rachel d: What is the best product to buy that reduces snoring?
what is the best product out there I can buy to help reduce snoring? thanks...

Best answer:

Answer by Neens
breathe-right strips. you can find them at your local drug store

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Thursday, May 16, 2013

How do i stop him from snoring?

Question by : How do i stop him from snoring?
i spent the night at my boyfriends house last night for 2 nights he snores really loud!! he snores so loud that his roomate can hear him snoring through the vent i keep telling him to stop he says he can't help it is there anything he can do take to stop snoring at night time and just keep quiet?

Best answer:

Answer by Lizzie
slap him

What do you think? Answer below!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

How do I stop my husband from snoring?

Question by River: How do I stop my husband from snoring?
It's gotten really bad lately, and it keeps me up at night. I yell "stop snoring", kick him, and that will make him stop for about 2 minutes, but then it starts again. (He never remembers my yelling or kicks in the morning, so I don't feel bad.) He never snored in 8 years of marriage until 6 months ago. He's in his mid 30's, is extremely fit and is at or below his ideal weight, and has had no change in health. He says the snoring is because he's "exhausted." It's true that he is working longer hours these days. But in any case, the snoring needs to stop! I'm going nuts!

Best answer:

Answer by rygelski
Tell him to quit smoking. Either that or tell him to see a doctor to prescribe medication that will help to loosen all that garbage in his nasal passages.

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What is a polite way to tell someone or show signs of bore?

Question by Daoie: What is a polite way to tell someone or show signs of bore?
You know how when someone's talking to you about a irrelevant subject, and you just want them to stop or talk about something else, but they keep rambling. Is their a polite way to say, "Can you stop? You're boring me." or even body gestures showing bore in that topic or subject.

TIA for your answers.

Best answer:

Answer by timmytriga4
i have somewhere to be but ill get back with you ok ! nice seeing you

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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What do I do about my boyfriends snoring problem?

Question by fruitsy: What do I do about my boyfriends snoring problem?
Ive had other boyfriends and none have been like this. Not only does he snore but he will stop breathing every few minutes and then gasp for air. It doesnt bother him at all but I cannot sleep, read or even think to myself. Its to the point where today I am going to tell him we can no longer sleep together. Any advice?

Best answer:

Answer by LISA
sounds like sleep apnea which can be dangerous. have him get checked out by his dr. meanwhile for just the snoring, have him wear those breath easy nose strips.

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How do I stop someone from snoring?

Question by Peace: How do I stop someone from snoring?
My little brother sleeps in the same room as me. He's 12. How can I get him to stop snoring? It's impossible for me to get any sleep!
Please help...

Best answer:

Answer by raresteak88
Aigh't you can get those little wing shaped things, but one on your brothers noise, and it should open his nose more, letting more air in, so he does not snore. Anotheri idea is to have him clean his nose out all of the way, making you get atleast a couple of hours to sleep.

PS. You could plug his nose (not recremended) :)

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Monday, May 13, 2013

Is there anything I can do to stop my 10 year old shi tzu from snoring?

Question by N0_white_flag: Is there anything I can do to stop my 10 year old shi tzu from snoring?
She's always snored since she was a puppy but the older she gets the worse it gets. I mean when she's upstairs we can hear the vibration in the ceiling! Right now she's on the other side of the house and it's driving me crazy! If she had a "nose", I'd use a breathe right strip but her face is flat! I love her to death and she's an actual family member to us, so getting "rid" of her isn't an option. Any suggestions? ANYONE? PLEASE?

Best answer:

Answer by s g
Your pets' snoring may be bothering you, but the chances are it probably isn't bothering them at all. Snoring usually means that a slight obstruction is vibrating while your pet breathes in his sleep. This could be something as minor as a loose area of tissue in the throat. It may be noisy, but it is unlikely to be a serious problem.

However, if your pet's snoring is consistently loud and lasts through the night, it may be interrupting his sleep pattern. If he seems unusually tired or grouchy during the day his snoring may be becoming a problem, and this may well be the result of allergies. In pets, as in people, being overweight can also cause snoring. Some breeds are also predisposed to snoring problems, such as the Pekingese.

You may like to try giving your dog a different bed in which he can try and sleep in a different position, perhaps exchange a long bed for a round one or vice versa. If you suspect that your dog suffers from allergies, try and figure out what the problem is and try to limit his exposure to it. Finally, if your pet is overweight, it is worth seeing if losing a few pounds will help reduce the problem - with the added bonus of an altogether happier, healthier dog!

However, as with all conditions, prolonged and severe symptoms may suggest an underlying health problem, and it is always worth visiting a vet for a checkup

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How can I stop myself from snoring when I sleep?

Question by Ms. Denton Lone Star ™: How can I stop myself from snoring when I sleep?
I used 2 be a silent sleeper, & I wanna go back 2 the silent sleeper mode. Does me being overweight have anything 2 do with me snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by Dellajoy
I saw on a show that a fireman was bothering his buddies by snoring at the firehouse. His girlfriend sewed a cork onto the back of his pajamas so that he wouldn't sleep on his back and the snoring stopped.

What do you think? Answer below!

How to stop snoring as I hv continued to snore after delivery of my baby?

Question by Christy: How to stop snoring as I hv continued to snore after delivery of my baby?
I don't used to snore until I was like 6months preg and still after I hv had d baby am still snoring . Wat can I do to stop it

Best answer:

Answer by Joey
My wife had this exact same problem until she tried something her best friend recommended. She said that her husband was snoring like a bull at nights, but after she tried this small addition which is attached to your head the snoring stopped. The same happened to my wife. She's been using it for 2 weeks now and I haven't heard her snore since.

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How to: stop snoring?

Question by Mia: How to: stop snoring?
I've always snored. I work two jobs and I'm a college student as well. My boyfriend lives 1 and 15 minutes away and we commute to see each other. So when I hit he bed I hit it hard. Anyway. The other night he kept talking about the way I snore. He even woke me up out of my sleep and told me I needed to stop snoring. Like I could control it. It made me feel bad. We've been together almost 4 years and he's never waken me up out of sleep about it. He snores too and it doesn't bother me. Is there a way it can be stopped?

Best answer:

Answer by praveen
Snoring is due to compression of air trachea. You change the sleeping pose.Probably changing the side which normally sleep.

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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Does a Sleep Apnea Machine Stop Snoring?

Question by Rosee: Does a Sleep Apnea Machine Stop Snoring?
Does sleep apnea machine usage stop/prevent snoring?
Does the machine make noise?

My husband is getting a machine this week. I would like to know if he will stop snoring and I can sleep better. Or, will the machine be loud and disturb my sleep?

Best answer:

Answer by amandak2479
I think the sleep apnea machine is more disturbing to sleep than snoring! It's a whirring noise like a vacuum, but not as loud.

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How to stop snoring? >>> 10 points!

Question by Timothy: How to stop snoring? >>> 10 points! <<
Ok, so im going on a camping trip with my bf nd there parents. And i snore :/ How can i stop snoring, without using those strips? Cause it'd b ambarasing wearing a friggin plaster on ur nose whilst ur bfs there. Yanoo :). Thank youu <3

Best answer:

Answer by Jamari Alexander
well my dad had the same prob buy some nose plugs and wear thoose while u sleep until the camp and then dont sleepwith them but bring them just in case it worked with my dad hope it helps (hope i get 10 points lol) (l)__(l) ( ' o ' ) (''')_(''') i even made you a bunny see <----- My bestfriend utilized snorezip for snoring . It is very effective so if you like to test it, you can go to this place

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Friday, May 10, 2013

How do I stop snoring?

Question by Pat: How do I stop snoring?
I heard snoring can lead to many health problems. I want to know if there is any suggestions on how I can stop snoring when I sleep. My snoring is getting worse and my sleeping quality is going down. Any suggestions would be great.

Best answer:

Answer by ana r
you can get a mouth guard and use it at night it will also help if you sleep on your side-no on your back, if all thins falls go see a Specialist on nose and trout good luck

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Why does my 2 month old suddenly stop breathing while drinking milk?

Question by AZ: Why does my 2 month old suddenly stop breathing while drinking milk?
Im so scared. It started last week. He would stop breathing and start crying right after that. And than it looks like he is fighting to catch a breath. ;((((( it lasts a few seconds but enough to scare the hell out of me.;(((

Best answer:

Answer by mandiegurl91
Baby's cant breathe out of their mouth my baby was doing that at 1 month and it scared me im sure he is fine. talk to your doctor on your babys next visit!

What do you think? Answer below!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

What is a god way for my parents to stop snoring?

Question by KB: What is a god way for my parents to stop snoring?
They just recently got back together and they are 60 years old. They both snore so bad that they keep each other awake at night. They've had to resort to sleeping in separate rooms, it's so bad. What can they try to maybe not snore, or not snore so intensely? They snore in all positions so rolling each other over does not work. Does anyone know if those pillows that are supposed to stop snoring actually work? Does anyone know what they can try?

Best answer:

Answer by gooseylucy
They need to see an ENT (ear, nose and throat specialist)

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What is the best way to help stop snoring?

Question by Nicole C: What is the best way to help stop snoring?
my brother wont stop snoring and hes to little to take medication what can i do hes six and he sleeps in my bed because hes scared of monsters

Best answer:

Answer by AzN>.<
tell him to close his mouth when he fall asleep, cuz the main thing when yu snore is that something in your throat vibrates when you breathe really tell him to close his mouth.

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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

How do I make my boyfriend stop snoring?

Question by Jenna: How do I make my boyfriend stop snoring?
Ugh.. I can't sleep. Thats all I hear from him. :( what can I do to make him quiet?!
Thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by Alex A
There are snoring strips that you put on top of their nose. And Ibelieve there are also mouth pieces... Either get those or ear plugs.

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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

What are some natural methods to stop snoring?

Question by Ema: What are some natural methods to stop snoring?
I would like very much to stop snoring. Can you help me by telling me some natural methods?

Best answer:

Answer by Sonic's Legend
Laying on your side normally helps.

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Has anyone used the "pure sleep" device to stop snoring?

Question by Steven C: Has anyone used the "pure sleep" device to stop snoring?
Pure sleep mouth device to stop snoring. Does it work?

Best answer:

Answer by Klay
My neighbor does and said it is very beneficial and worth it!

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Besides smothering my husband how do I get him to stop snoring?

Question by Elizabeth: Besides smothering my husband how do I get him to stop snoring?
We've tried sprays, pills, strips. If we're sleeping in the same room (I kick him out sometimes) I'm awake every few hours telling him to get off his back or to stop snoring in my ear.
Any one have any other ides or products that work?

Best answer:

Answer by Jack Tha Lad suspended 4 nothing

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how can a person stop farting and snoring?

Question by Livin lonely: how can a person stop farting and snoring?
a friend of mine has tonsilitis, she snores and farts when she sleeps. how can i help her? do the tonsils cause the problem?

Best answer:

Answer by Brad Gen
Hi ,
Here is a 3 day guide to stop snoring
Hope this helps

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How do I stop my wife from snoring?

Question by Curious.: How do I stop my wife from snoring?
Can somebody tell how not to snore?

Best answer:

Answer by grassneedscutting
Get ear plugs.....thats what I do!
Maybe get her a Dr. appointment, there might be something wrong with her causing her to snore. Also buy some of the nose strips there suppose to help people not to snore....but them for her and ask her to try them.

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Monday, May 6, 2013

What mouthpiece did you guys use to stop yourself from snoring?

Question by Atsa me Atsa you?: What mouthpiece did you guys use to stop yourself from snoring?
or what else did you do to stop snoring. There are so many mouthpieces out there, hard to choose.

Best answer:

Answer by No
Any of the cheap plastic ones work fine. The best ones are those that are custom fit, simply because they stay put all night, but in my opinion, are not worth the cost. You will get used to the cheap ones after a few nights and it will work just fine. Additionally, if you sleep on your back, it can help to try to re-train yourself to a side sleeper, where your anatomy makes snoring much more difficult. If your snoring is severe, you may wish to see a doctor, as it could be sleep apnea where you are actually unable to breathe for short periods of time throughout the night.

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Sunday, May 5, 2013

What is the best solution for stopping snoring ?

Question by Daniela: What is the best solution for stopping snoring ?
What is the best solution for stopping snoring ?

Best answer:

Answer by Mutya P
Be sure to eat only light dinner meal like eating only fruits and vegetables. Do not tire yourself. Also, be sure to lie only on you left or right side with bended knees. Because if you will lie flat with your back, there's a tendency that you will snore and can even be the cause of sudden death. Remember to eat only light food at night, ok.
Have a nice day and GOD BLESS :)

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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Why Does My Dog Snore And How Do I Stop It?

Question by yLach: Why Does My Dog Snore And How Do I Stop It?
Recently, my 3 year old german shepard dog has starting snoring! I am concerned that maybe she has an allergy or maybe she is indoors too much?

Best answer:

Answer by Diane
Your pets' snoring may be bothering you, but the chances are it probably isn't bothering them at all. Snoring usually means that a slight obstruction is vibrating while your pet breathes in his sleep. This could be something as minor as a loose area of tissue in the throat. It may be noisy, but it is unlikely to be a serious problem.

However, if your pet's snoring is consistently loud and lasts through the night, it may be interrupting his sleep pattern. If he seems unusually tired or grouchy during the day his snoring may be becoming a problem, and this may well be the result of allergies. In pets, as in people, being overweight can also cause snoring. Some breeds are also predisposed to snoring problems, such as the Pekingese.

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How to stop Snoring, and the sound any medication?

Question by Kenny: How to stop Snoring, and the sound any medication?
My boyfriend snores and it can get difficult to sleep, is there anything he can do to stop snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by Linus
The advice of the first post is good. Often times snoring is the result of sleep apnea. Check with your doctor.

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How do you deal with a situation where both you & your roommate snore loud, but 1 can't tolerate the other's?

Question by Yang-Yang!: How do you deal with a situation where both you & your roommate snore loud, but 1 can't tolerate the other's?
Well, I live in a single efficiency apartment, & my brother stayed with me for a few days last week. I know I snore, too. But him, OMG! I have sensitive ears (hyperacusis), & I nearly cried every night & couldn't get any sleep. Music or earplugs didn't help. I know I need to lose this weight, but I'm not sure if it would stop me from snoring since I had nasal surgery twice as a child.

Best answer:

Answer by odzookers
My gal is a VERY light sleeper, and I have a perforated septum and snore like a buzzsaw. I wear Breathe Right strips--and so should both of you.

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How can i get my friend to stop snoring without making him go to the doctor ?

Question by roberttriebwasser: How can i get my friend to stop snoring without making him go to the doctor ?
I have a friend and i stay at his house often, as soon as he passed out he starts a horrible snore and i lie awake all night.
How can i get him to stop snoring, its quite anoying.
He snores so loud help me out and dont say suffocate him.

Best answer:

Answer by larry
put a pillow over his face , when you dont hear him breathing , your problem is solved

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Friday, May 3, 2013

Why does my dog snore so loud?

Question by Angie: Why does my dog snore so loud?
I'm trying to sleep right now but my dog won't stop snoring! She snores every night and is Really loud. Why does she snore so loud when my other dogs don't even snore?

Best answer:

Answer by Rachel Walker
well i know some small dogs with a squished snout(eg. a pug) tend to snore because there snout is so small they have trouble inhaling.
Other than that im not really sure...blocked nose maybe? :)

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How to stop someone from snoring?

Question by Samuel Thorndike: How to stop someone from snoring?
My friend is asleep on some pillows on my floor, hes laying on his front and is snoring horribaly loudly its keeping me awake. Anyone got any suggestions? Thanks :)

Best answer:

Answer by Thiskid.
Wake them up.

just kiddingg.
Sometimes my dad's snoring keeps me up so I go into his room and turn his head.
That usually stops the snoring for a while, long enough for me to fall asleep that is.

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Thursday, May 2, 2013

What can i use over the counter to help me stop snoring?

Question by nell: What can i use over the counter to help me stop snoring?
Has anyone used over the counter products to hellp them stop snoring?if so can you tell me the name and where you got it from so I can try it?

Best answer:

Answer by nmccau97
Breathe right strips

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Witch are the best exercises that really work to stop snoring ?

Question by Leonila: Witch are the best exercises that really work to stop snoring ?
Witch are the best exercises that really work to stop snoring ?

Best answer:

Answer by Brigida
Whenever you snore, the tissues and the muscles at the rear of the throat loosen up and begin to vibrate. Once the vibrations occur, the breathing passages within the throat and mouth are often restricted. Anti snoring exercises typically work to build up strength of the throat tissues and muscles so your airways stay open without restricting the air passage.

The 1st exercise to prevent snoring is an exercise with your mouth. First shut your mouth through bringing your molars together. Then open up your mouth through distancing the molars as far as possible. Do it again several times. Repeating this exercise for a couple of minutes every night works out a number of tissues and muscles in your throat and mouth, which could help keep the air passage open and reduce the snoring.

The 2nd workout is a tongue exercise. First extend the tongue as much as you can, but don't overdo it. After that you have to start touching various sides of the mouth with your tongue. Move your tongue downwards, then upwards, and then shift your mouth rightwards, then leftwards. Practicing this process a couple of times before going to bed ought to strengthen your tongue and lower the vibrations made by the tongue.

If none of above works - try using anti snoring pillows.

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What are some simple ways to reduce or stop snoring?

Question by SH313: What are some simple ways to reduce or stop snoring?
I have a roommate I keep waking up, but I never snore unless I'm in that dorm room. Is there medication or techniques that can help me reduce or stop snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by Jules
Losing weight can help but if you arent overweight - dont.

A tennis ball sewn into your sleep shirt can help as it prevents you rolling onto your back which exacerbates snoring.

Also those nose patches like bandaids - they can open up your sinuses to help you breath more clearly.

Thats my best hope it helps :)

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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Is it sleep apnea when you hear yourself snoring?

Question by diana: Is it sleep apnea when you hear yourself snoring?
The problem has been going on for years but it got worst now that I work 2 jobs and I don't sleep that much. I can hear myself snoring all night long and I feel like I don't get enough rest because I am half awake I guess. Any ideas?

Best answer:

Answer by Super Undie Man

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