Thursday, May 23, 2013

How do you get somebody to stop snoring? Do those nasal strips really work?

Question by Missy K: How do you get somebody to stop snoring? Do those nasal strips really work?

Best answer:

Answer by doc_holliday1863
I've talked to people that tryed them and they dont work.

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. I've been married for almost 30 years and my husband has snored for all most ALL of those years. I, personally, resorted to ear plugs. However, I finally took notice of HOW he was breathing at night and noticed at times he actually stopped breathing between snores and then would suck in a large amount of air all at once. I got him to the doctor who did a sleep study and he had severe sleep apnea. He now sleeps with a breathing machine at night that forces air in to his nose. He has not snored in over a year now and it is Heaven. I do, however, have to listen to the breathing machine hiss all night...but I'll take that over the snoring any day. You might want to have a sleep study done and make sure it isn't more than just annoying snoring.

  2. Nope the Nasal Strips don't work

    Get a Slumber Guard

  3. check your sinus, get into better shape, lie on your stomach.
    No, just throwing your money away
