Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Why + How do you stop Snoring?

Question by Chris Jericho's Apprentice: Why + How do you stop Snoring?
Why do people snore?
How do you stop snoring?

Best answer:

Answer by Jay S
People snore for a lot of reasons: undiagnosed allergies, sleeping on their backs, enlarged tonsils and other airway obstructions, being overweight. There are some remedies which are pretty effective, depending upon why you snore. You should try the tennis ball trick. Place a tennis ball in a sock and pin it to the back of the shirt you sleep in. Then, if you roll over on to your back at night, the ball will nudge you on to your side,where you are less likely to snore. Also, try using a warm-mist humidifier at night. It will ease congestion, which will help you breathe easier and snore less. Whatever you do to stop snoring, it's worth it. Snoring has been linked to a 67% increased risk of stroke.

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