Monday, May 27, 2013

What are the causes and treatment for Snoring?

Question by Anna K: What are the causes and treatment for Snoring?
What can you do to stop snoring?


Best answer:

Answer by the_only_solorose
snoring happens because the soft palate relaxes and falls across the airway creating a partial obstruction. There are several medical treatments for this, and you need to discuss a sleep study with your doctor to find out which treatment will work best for you.

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1 comment:

  1. ditto the RN's answer. One treatment for severe snoring and sleep apnea is using a CPAP mask at night. It's a mask that fits over your nose attacthed with a hose to a machine that creates pressure in your airway, the pressure holds open your airways so they dont collapse and close your airway. The mask is uncomfortable for most people at first but when they begin to get a good night's sleep they feel so much better they get used to it and use it. Sleep apnea is a dangerous condition that can lead to other problems like heart disease. See your doctor about it.
