Thursday, May 9, 2013

What is the best way to help stop snoring?

Question by Nicole C: What is the best way to help stop snoring?
my brother wont stop snoring and hes to little to take medication what can i do hes six and he sleeps in my bed because hes scared of monsters

Best answer:

Answer by AzN>.<
tell him to close his mouth when he fall asleep, cuz the main thing when yu snore is that something in your throat vibrates when you breathe really tell him to close his mouth.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. Go to Walmart, CVS, or Walgreens and get some nasal strips. Nasal strips just simply gets taped across the bridge of the nose and it's works for people with snoring problems

    Good Luck

  2. Some people use nasal strips! Look here r some for kids
    Hope I helped!
    Happy Holidays!
