Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What are some good relaxing tips and ways to go to sleep easier or faster?

Question by tin998: What are some good relaxing tips and ways to go to sleep easier or faster?
What time should you stop drinking before bed and eating.I know I lay there at night and my mind just races.I cant sleep without a fan or listening to music generally.I cant go to sleep with tv on but I need some background noise to sleep better.Any good tips for relaxing during the day and how to get to sleep faster?

Best answer:

Answer by 00
If you get into a habit of walking a couple of miles everyday at a good fast pace. If you stop eating &
drinking, especially drinks with caffeine. A well known Dr. who is now on tv says to eat a banana
before you go to bed. I sometimes read for a while and that is very relaxing.

Give your answer to this question below!


  1. Don't watch tv before you go to bed, it messes with your body clock and will keep you up and maybe restless. Eating and drinking may not be a problem unless you have a bladder condition etc, keep a bottle of water by your bed or have a glass before you go to sleep. If you're hungry before bed, have a snack. You should feel comfortable. Having background noise i imagine may be a habit, but maybe keeping the radio on low volume by your bed will do much better than the tv. It may even be your sleeping pattern is out of whack, so if you're going to bed at an unusual time then maybe set up a sleep pattern.

  2. Here are some tips that may help you get to sleep easier:

    - Use your bed only for sleep. Try to avoid reading in bed, using your laptop in bed, etc.

    - Try to avoid bright lights before going to bed. In turn try to keep your bedroom as dark as possible for sleeping.

    - Maintaining a proper temperature in your room is important. Make sure it is not too hot or too cold.

    - Drinking alcohol such as wine or beer will help you fall asleep but you will tend to have a lighter sleep and in turn you will not feel as rested. Try avoiding all forms of alcohol before going to sleep.

    - Avoid looking at the clock this will only create more stress on the fact you are trying to sleep.

    - Do not go to bed hungry have a light snack but at the same time do not go to bed full. Avoid eating large meals right before going to bed.

    - Try taking a warm bath or shower before going to bed. This will help you fall asleep.

    - Drink some warm milk before going to bed. By drinking a glass of warm milk within 15 minutes of sleeping this will help calm your nerves and helps you sleep.

    - Turning on a fan in your bedroom can help people sleep. This is called white-noise and it can be very affective.

    - Try to avoid caffeine before going to bed. Coffee, tea's, pop can contain large amounts of caffeine which will cause many people to have problems falling asleep.

    - Try to create a pattern if possible for sleeping by attempting to go to bed and waking up at the same time.

    - Do not watch TV or play video games before going to bed.

    - Earplugs can help some people sleep by blocking out noises such as a partner snoring.

    - Caffeine-Free herbal teas can help some people sleep.

    - Taking a walk in the early evening can help some people get to bed.

    - A firm mattress can help many people with sleeping problems. Try to find pillows that you find comfortable.

    - Do not drink too much liquids before going to bed or you will wake up finding yourself visiting your washroom throughout the night.

    - Regular exercise daily will help you fall asleep. Try not to do any big exercises right before going to bed.

    - Be careful of certain foods which may contain MSG (Mono-sodium glutamate). This is a food additive which is used to increase flavor in certain foods such as Chinese take-out. This can cause many problems for people trying to get to sleep.

    - Snoring can be a major factor with people losing sleep. Consult your doctor and possibly look into nasal strips or other devices that may help.

    - Smoking can be another factor in not getting a good night sleep. New research shows that cigarette smokers are four times as likely as nonsmokers to report feeling unrested after a night’s sleep.


