Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What is a polite way to tell someone or show signs of bore?

Question by Daoie: What is a polite way to tell someone or show signs of bore?
You know how when someone's talking to you about a irrelevant subject, and you just want them to stop or talk about something else, but they keep rambling. Is their a polite way to say, "Can you stop? You're boring me." or even body gestures showing bore in that topic or subject.

TIA for your answers.

Best answer:

Answer by timmytriga4
i have somewhere to be but ill get back with you ok ! nice seeing you

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. Just sort of look away while they keep talking like you stopped listening to them because you can't pay attention.

  2. fidget a lot
    or pretend you fone is on vibrate and your getting a call/ text
    "excuse me i just forgot i had to make a phone call"
    and pretend to call someone and dont go back

  3. Just keep nodding and making one liner remarks like "yeah" "uh-huh" dont feed into the topic by saying anything more than that. they will soon realize.
    if they're slow and dont realize, just start talking saying "not to change the topic but..." then go ahead and change the topic

  4. Why don't you just say that they're boring you? It's short and to the point and they'll understand to shut up right away. But then keep talking to them about something else so they don't get all sad.

  5. Tell them, I'm sorry I don't know much about water sanitation practices..ancient Chinese embroidery..shorthand writing... so it doesn't hold much interest for me. This is pretty blunt but it should work with a minimum of unpleasantness. However it can backfire as they endeavor to enlighten you.

    Hmmm...maybe just excuse yourself from the conversation altogether.

  6. Some people don't get it. I say, honesty is always the best policy. While being politically correct, of coarse.

  7. If it continues to happen, find a new friend. Life is too short to not have the best possible friends.

  8. Close your eyes and start snoring.

  9. Honesty is always the best policy...but, be careful, you don't want to be rude... A polite yawn might do it...or, if that doesn't could pleasantly change the subject to something that is completely opposite of what the conversation has been...
