Thursday, May 2, 2013

What can i use over the counter to help me stop snoring?

Question by nell: What can i use over the counter to help me stop snoring?
Has anyone used over the counter products to hellp them stop snoring?if so can you tell me the name and where you got it from so I can try it?

Best answer:

Answer by nmccau97
Breathe right strips

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. I've never had any problems with snoring, but sometimes problems with sleep apnoea where I wake up during the night having stopped breathing. I tried Breathe-right strips which open up the nasal passages so I could breathe easier, they helped a bit but were a bit uncomfortable. Anything's worth a try though, in the UK they are available from Boots the Chemist, should be available from most chemists/pharmacists. Try them!

  2. i am a doctor and i can tell u that snoring has no medical treatment >>>its only surgical>>> and any one told u other than that he lies to u.... i am sorry to disappoint u

  3. I have tried every gimmick available. Spent a lot of money and nothing worked.
    Losing weight can help.

    but as the doc said, surgery is probably the only sure thing. My son had it done and it worked! He had his tonsils removed and some fleshy areas.

    My insurance will not pay for this surgery.

  4. Mystic Portals/JT and RAMay 2, 2013 at 9:14 PM

    My husband snored so loud I had to sleep in my chair in the living room. He also had sleep apnea. I ordered "QUIET NIGHT THROAT SPRAY" from Botanic Choice, an herbal company -
    OR, 1-800-644-8327 If you prefer to write for a catalog:
    Indiana Botanic Gardens, Inc.
    P.O. Box 5, Hammond, IN (USA) 46325-0005

    My husband has used the throat spray for a number of years. He snores no more, and he does not have sleep apnea. His blood pressure is somewhat lower. (I've read that sleep apnea can raise blood pressure.) Hope this helps.
