Tuesday, June 18, 2013

How do you prevent sleeping with your mouth open?

Question by Miss: How do you prevent sleeping with your mouth open?
For the past month, I've woken up with a really dried out mouth due to sleeping with it open. I've never slept with my mouth open and now it's happening every night. What causes this and what can I do to stop it?

Best answer:

Answer by Concerned Citizen
Sometimes people sleep with their mouth open because their nose is blocked or they have sinus problems. Check to see if you can breath easily from your nose.

Another reason why some people have their mouth open while sleeping is because they are snoring. Not too much you can do about that. For some people it is caused by them being overweight and when they lay down their fat blocks their throat a bit. (This is my case--solution is weight loss)

Other people suffer from a severe problem called sleep apnea where they don't breathe well at night and may actually stop breathing several times in the night.

If anyone sleeps with you perhaps you can ask them to see if you are having snoring, etc. You could also videotape yourself sleeping and see if you get any clues from the tape.

Good luck to you.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. The solution is going to bed and visualizing what the body is doing, and then making a conscious decision to not do it. It is kind of like programming your brain to do what you want when your asleep.
    And sometimes it could be the fan cause air is comming into your mouth and making it dry. Drink lots of water and ill recomend those breathe right strips. They help clear the nasle passageway so your mouth isnt all open when you sleep.
