Saturday, June 8, 2013

What are some ways to stop snoring?

Question by Love: What are some ways to stop snoring?
I snore when I sleep and I'm always tired because I think I don't get restive sleep. What are some ways--like sleeping on my stomach, for example--that I can combat my snoring problem without having to go see a sleep specialist or have surgery?

Best answer:

Answer by Lynn
This helps a lot:

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. I wish I knew becaue my bf snores sooo much i cant take it. I do tell him to sleep on his stomach but that doesnt seem to work for him anymore. there's also some sprays you spray on your throat and some things you put on your nose like strips... it didnt work on my bf but maybe they'll work on you! good luck

  2. You could have sleep apnea and you wont get good sleep until you get a cpap machine. In one night of 8 hrs sleep you are prob sleeping less than 2 you could be dosing but not deep sleep because your snoring will wake you up if you stop breathing.

  3. Get the snore strip form walmart I made my husband get it and now I get better sleep. He says it a little uncomfortable at first but after about a week you get use to it. Supposely after you use it for a certain time, like a couples weeks, you just get used to the way you breath or something..then you don't have to use it anymore.

  4. They have this really awesome pillow at Brookstone that I got my dad for his birthday because my mom always complains about his snoring and she said it works really well. I guess the new craze is a "Neti pot" and you use a saline solution that goes in one nostril and out the other to clear your sinuses, that might help. Anyways, here is the pillow link, it's called the Sona Pillow:*572966*572966

  5. Sounds like you might have sleep apnea which is very dangerous. My father almost died from it. When he went in to the dr for a sleep study he was taken off the study in the first 5 mins cause he stopped breathing 200+ times. You might not realize that you stop breathing when you are sleeping. Just for your best interests you really need to see a sleep specialists. If nothing comes of it they might just tell you to lose weight or what not but it would be a relief knowing you were ok if nothing comes of the test. Hope all is well.
