Saturday, June 1, 2013

What is the homeopathy medicine for stoping snoring ?

Question by gurumurthy p: What is the homeopathy medicine for stoping snoring ?
I read in yahoo questions & answers a homeopathy medicine was suggested for stopping snoring . As now I am unable to find it , will anybody please tell what it is .?

Best answer:

Answer by ~C~note♥~

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. i don't know if its the one youre talking about, but there is an homeopathic spray made by Breathe Right, those are the folks who make those little nose hinges to sleep with (they really do work by the way.) good luck.

  2. The "little nose hinges" themselves are not a "medicine", per se, but are a homeopathic remedy of sorts. Another is dieting! yep, fat people snore more and are more likely to experience sleep apnea.

  3. Homeopathic treatment to stop snoring :-
    1.BACILLINUM 200
    2.BARYTA CARB 200
    Three drops each in a sip of water twice a week.
    Followed by :-
    2. KALI MUR 6X
    3. CALC FLOUR 6X
    Four Tablets each four times a day every four hours.
    These will help stop snoring in any person with regular use. keep me posted about your progress.

    Take Care and God Bless you
