Friday, June 28, 2013

How do you stop 'snoring'?

Question by argamedius: How do you stop 'snoring'?
I've tried multiple ways to stop the snoring that I've 'inherited' from my father's side, and I find that the snoring wakes me up in the middle of the night, and sometimes it stops me from breathing. I have tried sleeping on my stomach, on my side, and even going to bed when I'm not so tired! Help...

Best answer:

Answer by Imma
It sounds like you are not getting the full sleep cycle needed to remain healthy or even Sane. My advice is to visit a sleep clinic where they monitor you while you sleep. snoring and sleep apnea (when you stop breathing while sleeping) can be serious. I encourage you to see your doctor and discuss your options. Good luck...Imma

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. not known but i advise you to sleep early at around 8 to 10 pm and gradually it will be off

  2. If you cant afford a sleep study for a bipap or cpap machine, Go to the store and use the Breathe Right strips they sell. They really work. They open your nose passages and give you more air so your snoring is reduced and.or stopped.

  3. get your ananoids taken out sleeping on your back or side wont stop it

  4. you have to go to the doctor stop cos they have some kind of treatment thing to help you with the snoring. usually, when you cant breathe properly or you are very exhausted, then you wld snore. so i suggest you go to the doctor for treatment. good luck.

  5. Have you tried nasal strips?
